What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is about helping the body to work at its best. Your nervous system, which controls all the functions of your body, is protected by your spine.

Sometimes the stresses and strains of daily life cause nerve messages from the brain to get blocked. By making small adjustments to the spine, nervous system and soft tissue.
chiropractors can remove these blockages so that the messages reach the organs effectively.

The philosophy is simple: if your nervous system is working properly the body is better able to heal itself and perform at its full potential. A healthy spine and nervous system can help anyone at any time in their life regardless of age, condition, presence or symptoms.
With more and more people looking for a natural approach to healthcare, chiropractic is the fastest growing wellness profession in the world. It’s now the third largest primary healthcare profession in the west after medicine and dentistry.


Retrieved from https://www.chiropractic.org.nz/about-chiropractic/what-is-chiropractic/

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